Camp Fire Girls - Birthday Honors




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Each year, starting in 1916, Camp Fire Girls had Birthday Project, later called National Projects. Every group was encourage to participate in the program. Likely each year had a special design for the honor to be attached to the ceremonial gown or vest. Finding this information is difficult, but goes a long way in helping to date these items. These programs were discontinued in 1968.

Summer Honors, for girls meeting during summer break, were discontinued in 1958.

1916 - Baby Kits to Children Overseas

1920 - Mothers' and Fathers' Festival

1926 - Interior Decoration

1927 - Tree Planting

1929 - Flower Birthday

1933 - Making the Most of Me

"Making The Most Of Me"



1935 -  My Place in the World

1936 - Hospitality

1937 - Silver Jubliee

1938 - My Land and Me

1941 - Treasure Trails - Exploring, Creating, Sharing

1942 - Fortifying the Family


1946 - At Home in the World


1947 - Going Places


1948 - Make Mine Democracy



1949 - Discovery Unlimited





1955 - Let Freedom Ring


1956 - Plant Seeds - Reap Friendship


Design was to be yellow on brown suede or navy felt


1957 - Together We Make Tomorrow

1957-1958 Annual Project Honor


1957 Birthday Charm


1958 - Meet the People



Annual Project Honor memento charm


1959 - 1961 -The World Around Her - She Cares - Do You? (Golden Jubilee Girl Project, 2 1/2 years long)

Golden Jubilee Honor, stenciled onto green felt

Yellow for the Golden Jubilee, seed pod design for promise of new life and continued growth.

This was an earned honor


Golden Jubilee Honor memento charm, shown on navy blue felt

Charm had no requirements for wear, unlike the felt honor


1964 - 1965 - Think Big, Widen Your World

1965 - 1966 - Think Big, See the World

National Projects Charms, center 1964-65, outer 65-66, also came as a patch set.



1966 - 1967 - Spotlighting the Arts

1967 - 1968 - Star in the Creative Arts


1968 was the end of National Annual Projects except for:

We The People was the 1976 National Camp Fire Project to celebrate the 200th birthday of the United States.

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Last modified: 02/23/08