The Future Homemakers of America officially began in June of 1945, working to combine and unify hundreds of home economic clubs in high schools across the US. Later this also included junior high schools. It seems that there were National Projects and State Projects for members to work on. The 1962-1965 list of National Projects were; Stay in School, You and Your Values, Focus on Family, Marriage Calls for Preparation and Action for Citizenship. These emblems are from the various programs throughout the years. The New Homemakers of America (NHA), for students in predominantly black schools, merged with FHA in 1965. HERO, Home Economics Related Occupations was launched in the early 1970's, encouraging FHA groups to expand their focus. The national emblem changed again in 1977. In 1999 the program changed it's name to Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and continues today.
Future Homemakers of America
1961 Certificate of Membership 1964 - Linda Mathis
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