Camp Fire Girls - Uniforms




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As with most youth organizations, uniforms were never required for membership in the Camp Fire Girls. However, to achieve the rank of Fire Maker, the ceremonial gown that resembled a Plains Indian woman's dress, was required.

Despite the fact that uniforms were not required, Camp Fire Girls had plenty of official fashion to choose from.

Examples of ceremonial gowns will be added later.

1914 Camp Fire Girls Universal Outing Dress was khaki - this is just one example of several dresses offered in the early years.


1914 - Official Bathing Suit with emblem on front.


1922 Handbook Cover with Camp Fire Girl in uniform

c. 1925

1925 - cover done by artist Howard Chandler Christy. This was also sold as a poster.


Front & back of a blue glass button

Camp Fire Girls armband was worn on the left sleeve.







late 1940s


late 1940s




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Last modified: 02/23/08