Junior American Citizens




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The Daughters of the American Revolution youth program started in October 1901, but the name Junior American Citizens wasn't adopted until 1936. Open to all boys and girls, the program continues today - striving to promote good citizenship and knowledge of American history through essay contests.


Junior American Citizens Membership Button, worn over the heart.


Junior American Citizens Director Button - likely this button is older that others shown. This button does not have the red and blue lines seen on the others

Junior American Citizens President Button


Motto:  Justice - Americanism - Character



Junior American Citizens Prayer

Our Father, we thank Thee that America is our Country. We thank Thee that we live under the Stars and Stripes. Help us always to be obedient, loyal American citizens. Amen


Informal Banner Design


NewsTime was the Junior American Citizens magazine in the 1950s

Thatcher Pin, the highest honor that can be earned in the Junior American Citizens, for outstanding service or citizenship. It is also the design the informal pennant.

Junior American Citizens Handbook 1956-1959


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Last modified: 02/23/08