Boy Rangers of America




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 Boy Rangers of  America

 Founder: Emerson Brooks

 Founded: 1913

 Boys 8-12 years old

 Original Name: Boy Pioneers of    America, changed in 1915 to Boy  Rangers of America.

Boy Rangers of America Membership Pin

    Before the Cub Scouting program began Emerson Brooks founded the Boy Rangers of America program to provide a group activity for boys too young for the Boy Scouts. Heavy emphasis was placed on Native American lore, ceremonial costumes, handicrafts and citizenship programs. Boys were strongly encouraged to sign an Anti-Cigarette League Boy Rangers of America Pledge, stating that they would not use tobacco until they were at least 16. Boys learned the Ranger War Whoop, Yells and Hails. There was a special salute and secret grip when giving a handshake. Program had summer & winter uniforms and Indian costumes.

The Great Laws of The Boy Rangers

  1. Trusty Tommy is a Ranger

  2. Loyal true to every test,

  3. Helpful to the needy stranger

  4. Friendly, giving of his best.

  5. Courteous to the girls he knows

  6. Kind, a good turn every day

  7. Obedient to his parents, too,

  8. Cheerful, both in work and play

  9. Thrifty, saving for a need

  10. Brave, and not a faker

  11. Clean in thought, in speech and deed

  12. Reverent to his Maker.


The Boy Ranger Pledge

  I will do my best to live up to the Ranger Constitution and help my brother Rangers do the same. I will make an honest effort, as a Ranger, to do at least one Good Turn each day and to pay my Wampum each week.


Password: How Kola (Hail, friend).

Motto: Be Trustworthy.

Slogan: Talk Straight, think straight, live straight.


Boy Rangers of America shirt

image: Dominique D.

Summer Uniform

Dominique writes: The patches  on right sleeve is a red felt star, on right chest there is a  red felt  Boy Rangers of America logo. On the left pocket is the boy Ranger of America” Be Trustworthy “ patch and above pocket  the Boy Ranger of America Patch. On the left sleeve in yellow felt is the tribal insignia and below that is the rank. There are two  of the three official buttons as the bottom one is missing.  Draw string on bottom of shirt. There are no mfg tag on the shirt .Dimensions are 16 inches across shoulders,10 inches from armpit to bottom 17 inches across bottom. There is a 6 inch collar on back and is 13 inches across.

image: Dominique D.

image: Dominique D.

image: Dominique D.

Official Ranger Insignia


Red felt hat monogram


Hi-Pa_Nac, highest level in Boy Rangers of America


Tribe: Group of 8 Boys and Adult

Lodge: Up to 6 Tribes, generally limited to 48 boys total.

Levels: Paleface, Papoose, Brave, Hunter, Warrior, Hi-Pa-Nac

Additional earned insignias: Hi-Pa-Nac feathers


The Boy Ranger, official magazine







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Last modified: 02/20/10