Guardian's Pin (later called Camp Fire Leader's Pin), it was noted that each pin was numbered and a permanent record kept.
A vintage catalog shares the following "The center stand for the sun, source of our terrestrial fire. There are twelve rays, one for each month of the year." Later catalogs from the 1940s state the twelve rays denote the unfailing service of the Leader to her Camp Fire Group throughout the year

This symbol was the design for the Blue Bird Leader in the early years.
The 3 flowers represent Sing, Health and Grow - the motto of the Blue Birds.

c. 1938 Membership Pin

Leader Pin c. 1947

Camp Fire Girls Pin for Adults who were not leaders, but associated with Camp Fire Girls

Horizon Club Membership Pin. This program was launched in 1941 for girls in grades 9-12.
According to the Horizon Club Handbook, the pin shows 3 mountain peaks in blue for the unlimited possibilities of what you may accomplish for yourself, and the camp fire in silver is for Camp Fire Girls, imagination, laughter and fun.

Membership Pin
c. 1947

The Jr. Hi. pin was likely introduced in 1962 with the official launch of the program. It had been a supplemental program since 1946.
The Junior-Hi program changed it's name to Discovery Club in 1970.

This Leader pin was likely introduced in 1962
Camp Fire Girls Adult Pins
found in a 1954 catalog as well as 1965 era,
3 sizes of pin; 5/8" (right), 1 inch pin, and 2 3/16" pin (left)
By this time, the Guardian's Pin style was gone.


Torch Bearer Rank pin, see CFG Ranks page

Blue Bird Membership pins came in at least to shades of blue

more modern Blue Bird Membership pin

Group Torchbearer Pin