Trail Seeker Rank
Symbols are a flame and the path the beginner takes for adventures along the Camp Fire trail.
The Trail Seeker rank was added by the 1938 edition of the handbook, and was required before earning the Wood Gatherer rank.

Originally a PIN, later a charm and a patch.

Trail Seeker Charm, there is another, older version of this charm without the loop at the top.

Trail Seeker Patch

Trail Seeker Charm
Wood Gatherer Rank
The seven pieces of wood on the ring (5 upright, 2 across) represent the seven points of the Law. The three raised circles on each side of the ring represent Work, Health and Love.

In 1915, this emblem was offered already embroidered on blue, khaki or white fabric to be stitched onto the left sleeve of the uniform. The same design would have been placed on the ceremonial gown.

Wood Gatherer's Ring

Wood Gatherer's Patch

Wood Gatherer's Charm
Fire Maker Rank

In 1915, this emblem was offered already embroidered on blue, khaki or white fabric to be stitched onto the left sleeve of the uniform. The same design would have been placed on the ceremonial gown.

Fire Maker's Bracelet
(spells WOHELO)
From the 1938 handbook: The watchword, Wohelo, is expressed in Tsimshian (Alaskan) Indian decorative letters.

Fire Marker Charm
Torch Bearer Rank

In 1915, this emblem was offered already embroidered on blue, khaki or white fabric to be stitched onto the left sleeve of the uniform. The same design would have been placed on the ceremonial gown.

A 1914 catalog shares the symbolism: pin is divided into 4 quarters; rising sun indicates fire, the symbol of the organization. The 2nd quarter is a crooked bolt of lightening forming the mystic word: WoHeLo. The 3rd quarter is lone pine tree for membership, simplicity and strength. The 4th quarter is left blank for the owner to engrave with a special, personal symbol.
Torch Bearer Pin came in 2 sizes, one about the size of a dime, the other of a silver dollar.
Torch Bearer Pin - This pin is gone by 1938

Torch Bearer Charm

Torch Bearer Charm attached to a Group Torchbearer Pin
Torch Bearer - Craftsman

1938 Torch Bearer - Craftsman Pin
The tendril represents growth in creative craftsmanship and the path and star symbols signify progress toward a goal on the Camp Fire trail.

When both pins were earned they were to be worn together.
Torch Bearer in Social Leadership

1936 Torch Bearer in Social Leadership pin
The path symbol again symbolizes continued progress, reaching the highest goal on the trail. The sun, the steadiest of all sources of light, symbolizes the unfailing torch.
1957 - Torch Bearer Craftsman
1962 - Group Torch Bearer (for Junior Hi Camp Fire Girls)

The tendril represents growth in creative craftsmanship and the path and star symbols signify progress toward a goal on the Camp Fire trail.
1957 - Torch Bearer in Social Leadership
1962 - Torch Bearer

The path symbol again symbolizes continued progress, reaching the highest goal on the trail. The sun, the steadiest of all sources of light, symbolizes the unfailing torch.

When pin and charm were earned they were to be worn together, or the charm could be worn on a bracelet.