Camp Fire Girls - Birthday Honors




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Honors - a quick reference to the meaning of all those beads!

Larger beads of same shape and color are Big Honors - earning several honors in one category.

Home Craft Honor

Symbolizes the fires of the hearth


Health Craft Honor

 1957- Sports & Games Honor


Camp Craft Honor

 1957 - Outdoors Honor

Symbolizes earth


Nature Lore Honor

 1958 -Frontiers Honor

Symbolizes new horizons of knowledge


Business Honor

Symbolizes harvest


Hand Craft Honor

 1957 - Creative Arts Honor


Patriotism Honor (3 sided bead; red, white & blue)

1938 - Citizenship Honor


Progress towards rank

Aqua Beads are honors in the Needlework Guild




Project Handclasp

(1965 Gifts Abroad)


Project Contact

(1965 Pen Friends)


Project Involvement


Project Good Earth

(introduced in 1965 as Keep America Beautiful)



1965 Edith M. Kempthorne Fund - in memory of "Alaska" the first national field staff person. Girls sent in pennies equal to their age.



Swimming Honors -  these designs barely changed over the years.

Polliwog - Beginner

Frog - Intermediate

Fish - Swimmer

Flying Fish - pass the Junior Life Saving and Water Safety test given by the American Red Cross

Dolphin - Advanced Swimmer

National Honors - 1915

Special decorations for ceremonial gowns were awarded on a national level for original ideas, stories, song, poems, plays, drawings and photographs. UTA honor (the smallest size) was given for any effort, however humble. KEDA was given for deep thought and excellence. SHUTA was given for material that may have use in the national Camp Fire Girls. WAKAN was given for material that could be used in the handbook, Wehelo (the magazine), etc.

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Last modified: 02/23/08