Liberty Bell Bird Club




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Although not specifically a junior club, membership was encouraged among youngsters. Sponsored by the Farm Journal magazine, the Liberty Bell Bird Club was launched on January 1, 1913. Unlike the National Audubon Society, the Liberty Bell Bird Club focus remained strictly on protecting useful birds through education.

Motto: Protect Our Feathered Friends Pledge: "I desire to become a member of The Liberty Bell Bird Club, and promise to study and protect all song and insectivorous birds, and do what I can for the Club"

Warning Poster for the Liberty Bell Bird Club, earlier versions (1916)were just the round red part of this poster.

Liberty Bell Bird Club Membership Badge

The first one was free to all who signed the pledge, replacement pins were 3 cents each. Later years membership was 25 cents, but included pamphlets.

catalog image of Liberty Bell Bird Club pennant, green felt with white lettering, 24" long


later edition

unknown edition

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Last modified: 02/23/08