Betty Crocker-Homemaker of Tomorrow




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The Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow Scholarship Program began in 1955. Senior high girls took a written test on homemaking attitudes and knowledge. The girl with the highest score in each school received a pin (or later, charm) and she was entered into the state competition for a scholarship. Each scholarship winner and second runner-up won $1500 (in 1959).

Program: 1955-1977

Sponsoring Organization: General Mills, which owns Betty Crocker

According to the history pages of General Mills, 2.1 million dollars in scholarships were awarded.

Early pins marked TRIFARI



Gold-colored metal award brooch in the shape of three stalks of wheat with heart shaped pendant picturing a ranch house and yard in relief.

Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow pin, antiqued finished  with hearth design



By 1972 the award was a Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow charm, silver with hearth design


Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow test form, 1963

1965 - image Linda Mathis


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Last modified: 02/23/08