Junior Audubon Clubs




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Junior Audubon Clubs officially began in 1910. The first Junior Audubon Club membership pin was the Mockingbird pin.                                                               

(Whitehead & Hoag, 3/4")

   The educational program usually was delivered through the classroom. The focus was on nature study, conservation and how kids could make a difference. Audubon Teachers' Guides, School Nature League Bulletins and Audubon Junior News were publications of the National Audubon Society. Membership was only 10 cents for several years.

Interest in the Junior Audubon Clubs decreased greatly by the 1970s. The National Audubon Society launched a new program, Audubon Adventures in 1984 and it continues today.

Pins shown below are divided into 2 groups; those that say Junior Member on them, and those that don't.


Bluebird, yellow background

Northern Cardinal

Bald Eagle

American Egret

Belted Kingfisher


Red-Wing Blackbird

American Egret

American Goldfinch

 Northern Robin


Baltimore Oriole

American Redstart

Bastion Bros., Offset Gravure Corp.

Blue Jay

Whitehead & Hoag

Canvasback Duck

Orange Manufacturing Co.

Bald Eagle

Western Tanager

Red-Winged Blackbird

Offset Gravure Corp.

American Robin

Bastion Bros. 7/8"

Scarlet Tanager

Bastion Bros.

Scarlet Tanager

Offset Gravure Corp.

Common Yellowthroat

Yellow Warbler

Bastion Bros.

Northern Cardinal

Bastion Bros.

Common Flicker, Yellow-shafted form

Bastion Bros.

Golden-Crowned Kinglet

American Robin

Bastion Bros.

American Egret

Eastern Bluebird

Erhman Manufacturing Co.

Western Tanager

Wm. H. Hoegee Co.

Red-Headed Woodpecker

Bastion Bros.


Whitehead & Hoag

Western Meadowlark

Bastion Bros.




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Last modified: 02/20/10