Oriole Girls




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The Oriole Girls were remarkably similar to Camp Fire Girls in the early days, and Girl Scouts in their later days. I can find no indication that the Oriole Girls program continues today.

Emblem of the Oriole Girls


Began: 1915

Sponsoring Organization: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - renamed Community of Christ Church in 2000, Oriole Girls no longer seems available

Age Level: (1940) Ages 12- 15 , (1946) ages 11-16 yrs, (1950) ages 11-15, (1983) ages 9-11 yrs.

Younger girls could join (1950) Blue Birds or (1983) Skylarks




Ranks: Pledge; Oriole Girl, Songster, Second Rank Builder, First Rank Builder


1946 Ranks: Pledge; Oriole Girl, Songster, Second Rank Builder, First Rank Builder


1983 Ranks:  Flight of the Spreading Wings, Flight of the Silver Wings, Flight of the Gold Wings


Oriole Girl Badges - 1983


Child Care


Basic Aid and Safety



Book of Mormon





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Last modified: 02/23/08