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Junior Citizens Service Corps

Sponsor: US Citizens Service Corps of the Civilian Defense Corps

Organizer: Fredrick H Lewis

Started: May 15, 1943

The Junior Citizens Service Corps (JCSC), the junior branch of the United States Citizens Service Corps  (which was itself a section of the Civilian Defense Corps), was launched on May 15,1943 - during World War II.

Open to all boys and girls under the age of 16, the goal was to get the youth of America involved in the necessary war effort. Although there was no lower age limit, it was suggested in the JCSC handbook to children younger than 10 not be encouraged to join.

To be eligible for enrollment the boy or girl must be a member of a group under a qualified adult leader - such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Reserves, Camp Fire Girls, etc. Those who did not belong to such a group could joined under a church youth program, youth recreational program, etc. To become a member 10 hours of service were to have been given in the past year of acceptable war- related work.  The groups' leader then had the certify that the member was fulfilling the "obligations of good citizenship." After that the member pledged to give 1 hour a week of war-related work.

What qualified as war-related work? Collecting scrap metal and cooking fats, selling war bonds, rolling bandages, welcoming new families in war-boom-towns, working as a hospital aide, babysitting for moms working in the factory, cutting trees in the forest, the list goes on and on.

This program did not stay active after the end of World War II.


Junior Citizens Service Corps Ribbon


Junior Citizens Service Corps Ribbon Button found on a Girl Scout uniform


Junior Citizens Service Corps Booklet

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