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National League of Girls Clubs
"To Have and To Share"
The National League of Girls Clubs (NLGC) was actually a name change to the already established National League of Women Workers (est. 1897), which in itself was an "umbrella club" to organize the many "lady-worker" clubs that had formed in many cities. The name change happened in December of 1920.
This national club had already been active for many years, this was simply a name change.
Ladies as young as 16 who worked in factories, shops and offices banded together take classes in such things and cooking, sewing, tennis, track, swimming, gymnastics, dancing, basketball, millinery, stenography, language classes, visit museums, study art, tour local sites, etc. in at atmosphere of sociability and safety in numbers.
During World War 1 local clubs could come together with the support of the NLGC (then under it's former name) and do important volunteer patriotic work; Red Cross work, War Saving Stamp and Liberty Loan drives, raising sheep and pigs, war gardening, supporting war orphans and entertaining soldiers and sailors.
Local clubs would vote amongst themselves as to joining the National League of Girls Clubs. A club had to be non-sectarian, non-political, self-governing and if not entirely self-supporting, making an earnest effort toward financial independence to be considered eligible.
Being a part of the National League of Girls Clubs gave the local club support and communication with other clubs in the area, and opening up lists of traveling speakers who would visit an area giving speeches on various topics. At least on the east coast there were also sponsored vacation camps in the summer, as well as learning excursions to famous women-only colleges for a week. Being part of the NLGC gave a local club status.
The National League of Girls Clubs disbanded in 1930, giving way to other "clubs" such as the YWCA that were offering similar programs to young ladies and changing times.

National League of Girls Clubs membership pin, 1/2" diameter, made by Bastion Bros.