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Girls' Auxiliary
Sponsor: Women's Missionary Union of the Southern Baptist Convention (WMU of SBC)
Program renamed to Girls in Action in 1970, continues today
Also known as WMU Girls' Auxiliary of SBC
The Girls' Auxiliary organization was developed to answer the call of girls interested in missionary work through the Southern Baptist Church.
Special thanks to Linda Mathis - who was a member and shared her knowledge!
It appears that prior to their official start they were called "Sunbeam Societies" , Sunbeam Bands or "Sunbeams," a term that continued but was meant for younger children.
Sponsoring Organization: Women's Missionary Union (WMU) of the Southern Baptist Church (SBC)
Age Levels:
Junior Girls' Auxiliary 9-12 yrs.
Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary 13-15 yrs.
Name changed to Girls In Action in 1970 and continues today.
(At least two other Baptist branches use the GA royal theme in their girl programs.)
The boys' version was and is called Royal Ambassadors
This program continued the royal theme already in use by the boys' program Royal Ambassadors
using gender specific titles:
Progression in Junior Girls' Auxiliary;
(optional) Queen in Service
Progression in Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary;
Girls' Auxiliary Membership Pin

Home Life magazine carried the Girls' Auxiliary on the cover - date unknown + a Girls' Auxiliary pennant
Linda Mathis' actual cape and felt Queen patch
1953 edition of the Manual of the Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary
1961 edition of the Manual of the Intermediate Girls' Auxiliary

Junior Girls' Auxiliary Manuals, 1951 (left) & year unknown (right)

Linda Mathis' charm bracelet

Close-up of Linda Mathis' charms

Early Girls' Auxiliary Crown

Linda Mathis' crown

50th Anniversary of the Girls' Auxiliary Book "Star Ideals" & Charm

One of the optional requirements for Queen Regent is to make a cross-stitch map of the world. The state WMU young people's secretary had the pattern. Shown right is Linda Mathis' cross-stitch map of the world.

This pin (with loop on back to put on a necklace) is from the
ABA (American Baptist Association) which is group that split from the Southern Baptist Church in 1924.
The pin has the familiar characteristics of the WMU Girls Auxiliary.
The pin is 8-sided with a large star outlined, a globe with ABA at the top, and a "lamp of knowledge" in the center. The lamp has "GA" on it and at the bottom is spells Girls' Auxiliary.