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Young Homemaker of the Year Award
Sponsor: Girls' Clubs of America
Also known as: (1963) Girl of the Year
Established in 1952, the contest from the Girls' Clubs of America was nationwide and newsworthy. Quietly, the name of the award was formally changed to "Girl of the Year" in 1963. No further information was found past 1967.

1952 - Barbara Faye Swanson, 16, of Jamestown, NY
1953 - Kathy Szczebak, 12, of Springfield, MO
1954 - Betty Sue Parker 14, of Atlanta, GA
1955 - unknown
1956 - Peggy Lovic, 17 of Newport News, VA (The following year she won the national Lucile M Wright Citizenship Award from Girls' Clubs of America, as well.)
1957 - Helen Salvin, 16 of Worchester, MA
1958 - Aloma Qualls, 16, of Wichita Falls, TX
1959 - Helen Lommasson, 16, of Fort Smith, AR
1960 - Frances "Cookie" Stone, 17, of Connecticut
1961 - Faye Pearce, 15, of Newport News, VA
1962 - Sally Finn, 15, of Greenfield, MA
1963 - unknown
1964 - Lynn D Hadar of CT
1965 - unknown
1966 - unknown
1967 - Jacqueline Geiger of Lancaster, PA

There was a lot of publicity for Barbara, the first winner of the
Young Homemaker of the Year Award.

Qualifications for the Young Homemaker of the Year Award


The last mention in the newspapers of the Girls' Clubs of America award was in 1967.