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4-H Clubs Youth Membership Pin Identification

Information on dating various pin, awards and other items comes from 4-H Handy Books (all-in-one member book and catalog) and later, Supply Catalogs.

They were not offered in the 1927-28 Handy Book, but were offered by 1930 as official 4-H Club Pins.

Official Youth 4-H Club membership pins indicated membership. There were 4 styles:

  • Design A - notes the number of years of membership.

  • Design B - notes the number of years and the state - special order (discontinued by the 1956 catalog)

  • Design L - without years or state.

  • Design S - notes state (discontinued by the 1956 catalog)


In 3 finishes:

  • Bronze (early bronze pins DID NOT have black and green enameling)

  • Sterling silver (with black and green enameling)

  • 10k gold filled (with black and green enameling.)

In 2 sizes:

  • 1/2" x 1/2" pins are older

  • 5/8" x 5/8" pins are newer (and may not be available in Design B or Design S.)

Youth 4H Membership pins come in 2 sizes.  The 1966 4-H catalog lists the size of the pin as 1/2" x 1/2". 2004 catalog states they are 5/8" x 5/8".

Also note with these 2 pins - Oregon is spelled ORE, unlike the pin example in Design B that spells OREGON.

And in multiple variations in manufacturing:

  • Variations in the laurel leaf border on all four pin designs. 3 known variations: Banded Laurel, Pointed Laurel and Even Laurel

  • Spelling of states vary, example OREGON or ORE.

  • Different shades of green enameling

  • Older pins came with "hook" catches or safety catches (up through at least 1977), later pins have butterfly catches or safety catches


2 Sterling Silver 4H pins showing different shades of green enameling.



Older Junior Leadership pins have more "rays."

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