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4-H Clubs Youth Membership Pin Identification
Information on dating various pin, awards and other items comes from 4-H Handy Books (all-in-one member book and catalog) and later, Supply Catalogs.
They were not offered in the 1927-28 Handy Book, but were offered by 1930 as official 4-H Club Pins.
Official Youth 4-H Club membership pins indicated membership. There were 4 styles:
Design A - notes the number of years of membership.
Design B - notes the number of years and the state - special order (discontinued by the 1956 catalog)
Design L - without years or state.
Design S - notes state (discontinued by the 1956 catalog)
In 3 finishes:
Bronze (early bronze pins DID NOT have black and green enameling)
Sterling silver (with black and green enameling)
10k gold filled (with black and green enameling.)
In 2 sizes:
1/2" x 1/2" pins are older
5/8" x 5/8" pins are newer (and may not be available in Design B or Design S.)
Youth 4H Membership pins come in 2 sizes. The 1966 4-H catalog lists the size of the pin as 1/2" x 1/2". 2004 catalog states they are 5/8" x 5/8".
Also note with these 2 pins - Oregon is spelled ORE, unlike the pin example in Design B that spells OREGON.
And in multiple variations in manufacturing:
Variations in the laurel leaf border on all four pin designs. 3 known variations: Banded Laurel, Pointed Laurel and Even Laurel
Spelling of states vary, example OREGON or ORE.
Different shades of green enameling
Older pins came with "hook" catches or safety catches (up through at least 1977), later pins have butterfly catches or safety catches

2 Sterling Silver 4H pins showing different shades of green enameling.

Older Junior Leadership pins have more "rays."