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VFW Junior Girls Units

Started in 1935, they were originally called Daughters of the Veterans

of Foreign Wars. Members were to call each other "sister", uniforms

were French blue jumpers, white short sleeve blouses with peter pan collars,

red ribbon tie and French blue cap. In the early days, being married did not

disbar a girl from membership - as long as she was 18 years old or under.

Later, Junior Girls Units were for girls 5 - 16 who are daughters, stepdaughters, foster daughters, granddaughters, sisters, half sisters, stepsisters or foster sisters of persons eligible for the VFW.

Purpose of the Junior Girls:

  • To install in the hearts of our youth, a firm belief in the principles of our Republic and the reverence for the Flag of the United States.

  • To develop character, cooperation, leadership, self-reliance and a willingness to assume responsibility.-

  • To assist the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their activities.-

  • To interest members of the Junior Girls units in the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and train them for future membership in the Auxiliary.

The VFW Junior Girl Units appear to have become defunct as of 2015, about the same time that the Auxiliary dropped the term "Ladies". A January 2020 memo from the national  VFW addressing its involvement with youth makes no mention of Junior Girl Units. In fact, it even promotes its involvement with Girl Scouting, long a rival for membership.


Silver Junior Girls VFW membership pin

Gold Junior Girls

VFW AUX membership pin


Gold & enameled

Junior Girls AUX VFW membership pin


Buddy Poppy Badge 

 Learn the history of the Buddy Poppy - Help organize a Buddy Poppy Drive - Assist Auxiliary in Buddy Poppy Drive - Make a display for Department Buddy Poppy Contest - Develop a new use for the Buddy Poppy  

Achievement Badges -Discontinued

Junior Girls Unit badges are octagonal in shape. The Junior Girls Achievement Badge program currently had 10 badges for the girls to earn. Each badge had several projects listed, with a certain number that must be completed to earn the badge. The girls parent/guardian and Unit Chairman must have signed to show the girls had completed their projects.

There were also 2 bonus badges the girls could earn. One is the National President's Achievement Badge which is based on the theme of the current National President and is awarded upon completion of 3 other badges. The other is the Golden Heart Achievement Badge, which is earned upon completion of 10 achievement badges.


J.U.M.P. - Junior Unit Merit Program

After the badge program was dropped, the Junior Girls Units moved to an all digital badge program called JUMP. The booklet could be downloaded and had all the requirements and then once the work is completed and turned in, a digital badge will be sent and can be saved in a scrapbook. There were 55 basic badges, plus a few extras.

Digital Badges


Charming jewelry for the Junior Girls of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.


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