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Knights of Good Health
Also known as the Junior Health and Good Habits Club (1931)
Sponsor: Junior Home Magazine, A Jolly Playmate for Children, A Guide and Inspiration for Parents.
Later tagline was the Something-To-Do Magazine for Mothers and Children (1929)

Director: Bertha M Hamilton
1920's - 1930's

This page is dedicated to Raymond E Ingram (wherever he may be), who saved his awards, which allowed me to rediscover this wonderful little program.


7/8" diameter

no marker's mark

During this era there were many efforts to fight common health issues, that today seem so obvious. Some, such as the Modern Health Crusaders were "junior" programs to what today is the American Lung Association. Others, such as the Knights of Good Health drifted into obscurity, leaving behind few tangibles of their efforts.



The program ran completely
through the magazine and the mail. Once the magazine arrived each month, the parent and child would read the "requirements" for the health project of the month. The child would keep track that they, for example, brushed their teeth after each meal, only ate sweets as an after dinner treat, or slept with the window open at night. The parent would sign the form and return it, each month.

          An example of a Junior Home Magazine Health Club monthly "remove from the magazine and fold" record card, August 1924

The reward system was straight forward. The goal was to become a "Knight of Good Health." Shown below is a 1934 example of the awards for following the program: 

Examples of the metal buttons for levels of Knighthood in the Junior Home Magazine Health Club, 7/8," no mark
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