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Girls' National Honor Guard
Founder: Miss Theodora Booth, granddaughter of William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army)
Headquarters: New York City, NY
The Girls' National Honor Guard began in 1916 as a direct result of World War I in Europe and America's pending involvement in the war effort.
Founded by Miss Theodora Booth, daughter of the founders of Volunteers of America and much of the era's prison reform work, and the granddaughter of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, she was well versed in volunteer work.
They worked closely with the Red Cross, and often hosted dances for service members, participated in Liberty Loan Campaigns, visited the wounded in the hospitals and such.
It's purpose was to promote patriotism among American girls and do war-relief work. Membership was open to all girls 14 - 30 years old and willing to accept the constitution and by-laws of the group and pledge to "learn one thing well" - meaning being able to help in a national or local disaster with your skill. Membership $1.00.
Girls wore khaki uniforms, similar in style to those worn by Girl Scouts, Bee-Hive Girls and other girls' programs of the time.
The main focus of their work was "First Aid". Newspaper articles note that there were 3 levels of First Aid;
To the wounded (of the war)
To the family of the wounder
To the general public at large

Girls' National Honor Guard
Membership Pin