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High School Victory Corps
National Chief: Eddie Rickenbacker
Jointly sponsored by: WMC, Army, Navy,
CAA, the U.S. Office of Education Wartime Commission.
Started: September 1942
To wear a plain red V on his sleeve, a student must take courses in physical fitness and a war-useful subject (e.g., math), must enroll in at least one home-front job (e.g., air warden, scrap collector, farm worker).

October 1942 issue of Scholastic Coach promoting High School Victory Corps
High-school juniors and seniors may join one of five special branches of the Corps —
depending on whether they are preparing respectively for the Army, Air Forces, Navy, war industry or professions

High School Victory Corp
in uniform with rifles
Library of Congress

Land Service Air Service Production Service Community Service Sea Service

Cross-over items such as this High School Victory Corps and (Boy) Scouting are tough to find.

National Chief of High School Victory Corps Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker with High School Students
in front of a High School Victory Corps display.
Library of Congress
High school Victory Corps. Jean Johnson and Bill Clark, students at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland, one of the first schools to organize a Victory Corps under the U.S. Office of Education's nationwide program. Jean is explaining to Bill that he can earn one of the Victory Corps insignia through school work and community activities.
Library of Congress
Young man wearing "service cap" with insignia at work.
Library of Congress

Identified online as a
High School Victory Corps Pin.
Not able to verify that they ever used a pin.