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Hi-Y Clubs, Tri-Hi-Y Clubs, Jr. Hi-Y Clubs, Jr Tri-Hi-Y Clubs, Soph-Y Clubs, Jr. Hi-Y Clubs, Tri-Gra-Y Clubs
Sponsor: YMCA
The well established YMCA program aimed at school-aged children had it's roots in early YMCA youth programs. The term Hi-Y was first officially used in 1927, but the YMCA had been active with youths since the 1850s. Hi-Y stands for High School YMCA and was for boys only.
Tri-Hi-Y (the female version) started soon after the Hi-Y program. "Tri" comes from the Triangle Girls Clubs. Now the Hi-Y program is co-ed.
Other programs, such as Jr. Hi-Y and Jr. Tri-Hi-Y (Junior High School ages), Gra-Y and Tri-Gra-Y (grade school ages) were also developed but no longer seem to exist.
The purpose of the Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y clubs are to CREATE, MAINTAIN and EXTEND to the fullest capacity of one’s ability, throughout the home, school and community, HIGH STANDARDS OF MORAL CHARACTER through improvement, brother/sisterhood, equality, and service in High Schools.

Chenille Sweater Emblem
Embroidered Sweater Emblem
Hi-Y Felt Pennant

Traditional Hi-Y Pin
Modern Cross Hi-Y design
Ruby at top
Pearls & Rubies
Blue Hi-Y pin with Treasurer Guard Pin
Unusual Hi-Y pin design with "E" Guard Pin
Yellow Hi-Y pin
Keystone shaped Hi-Y pin
Unusual round Hi-Y pin
Tradition Hi-Y pin with 1 ruby and 4 pearls, and banner-style guard pin with J/P or J/R engraved
Canadian Hi-Y pin?
Possibly a Leader Hi-Y pin
Silver Hi-Y pin
Hi-Y pin with a hand holding a torch
Brown Hi-Y pin
Teal Hi-Y pin
Pearl Hi-Y pin
Traditional Hi-Y Pin with a 48 Guard pin

Hi-Y Tie Clip

Traditional Tri-Hi-Y Pin
Tri-Hi-Y Pin with beveled edges
Leader Tri-Hi-Y pin
Blue Tri-Hi-Y pin with the Hi-Y pin design in the center
Unmarked pin with hand holding a torch, possibly Tri-Hi-Y or Hi-Y
Tri-Hi-Y pin with the traditional
Hi-Y design in the center
and red border
Traditional Tri-Hi-Y Pin with 1955 Guard Pin
Tri-Hi-Y Felt Pennant
Chenille Sweater Emblem
Embroidered Patch
Silver Tri-Hi-Y Leader pin with a 55 Guard Pin

Beanie with a Tri-Hi-Y patch

Blank center Try-Hi-Y pin with "40" Guard Pin

Soph Hi-Y pin with TVHS Guard Pin

Jr Hi-Y pin
Jr Hi-Y pin
Jr Hi-Y pin

Jr Tri-Hi-Y pin

Tri-Gra-Y pin
Gra-Y Button

Jr Hi-Y pin using the Hi-Y design

A combination Hi-Y & Tri-Hi Y pin for Salem.