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Sponsor: Salvation Army
Also known as:
Sunbeam Girls
The Salvation Army Sunbeam are the junior program of the Salvation Army Girl Guards. Launched in 1921, their colors were grey and yellow. Generally the ages of Sunbeams were (and are) 6 -10 years old. The group is non-sectarian and open to all girls who accept the pledge and declaration of the Sunbeams. It should be noted that the name Sunbeam is sometimes found without the "s" at the end, and sometimes with the "s" at the end.
Today the Sunbeam program fits between the Moonbeam program and the Girl Guard programs. Moonbeams are co-ed pre-k and kindergarten, and Girl Guards are older girls.
The boy's groups are Adventure Corps Explorers and Adventure Corps Rangers.
The Salvation Army Sunbeam program continues today.
Modern USA
no "S" at the end
Sunbeam pins are "graduation" pins, and not worn on the Sunbeam uniform, but on the Girl Guards uniform

Older USA
"S" at the end
United Kingdom

Early Sunbeam badges were on a silk-like fabric:
Sunbeam Pledge:
I promise that I will try:
To Love God,
To be obedient,
To be loving and kind to all,
to be true to the Sunbeam Declaration.

"Sunbeam" patch - beginner rank
"Do Right" patch - second class
"First Class" patch - first class

AYITA patch is brown felt with gold & yellow embroidery. Tiny pins are listed below.
The AYITA Camp Award may be earned each year that a Sunbeam attends divisional camp and completes the requirements of participation in the full camp period, engage in a Bible Class, pass one test, and make a craft.
The awards are:
1st year – Little Deer/white
2nd year – Busy Beaver/yellow
3rd year – Strong Bear/red
4th year – Swift Antelope/blue
5th year – Mighty Buffalo/green
6th year – Raccoon/purple
For many years Sunbeam badges have been grey felt with yellow and blue embroidery. Examples:

Various Sunbeam Handbooks

Sunbeams Flag, Sunbeams Beanie and Sunbeams Beginner Patch
(with the "S")

Commissioner's Sunbeam Award
Same badges as shown above, just modernized. Note that the badges have either grey or yellow borders, keeping with the Sunbeam color theme. Examples:

Modern Sunbeam Uniform and Flag
Sunbeam Achievement Chart