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Junior Garden Clubs of America

Sponsor: Better Homes and Gardens Magazine


This organization, The Junior Garden Clubs of America was launched in 1929 through the popular magazine Better Homes and Gardens. It's program was delivered through each monthly issue of the magazine and through "Cousin Marion" articles in newspapers. Writer Fae Huttenlocher was "Cousin Marion."


It was operated through the school system and through other organizations such as Boy Scouts, Campfire Girls, Girl Scouts in a very similar way the Junior Audubon Clubs were run. Once a group of ten or so interested children got together under the guidance of a teacher or leader the club could be formed. Names and addresses, along with a small stipend were sent in to the headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa and the club was official.

It isn't clear when the Junior Garden Clubs of America, as part of the Better Homes and Gardens magazine, ended. It isn't known when the program was dropped from the magazine. The number of newspaper clippings fell greatly after the 1930's with only a few after. The last one found was 1962.


Likely an award for a gardening contest, this felt item has "pages"; Nature Essay, Garden Handicraft, Civic Endeavor, Sharing Garden Pleasures & Flower Knowledge. 


Membership Badge

7/8" celluloid


In the years leading up to 1932 many clubs and organizations were busy wanted to celebrate the 200th anniversary of George Washington - Father of our Country. The Junior Garden Clubs of America was no different. They started the George Washington Chapter of the Junior Garden Clubs of America. Shown below is an article from California Garden 1931 vol 23 no 6, giving the details about this once in a lifetime event. Also shown is the special button style pin that was offered to promote the event.

Rare George Washington Chapter Badge

7/8" celluloid


Recently seen on, this little 8 x 11 1/2" booklet was an award given out by the Junior Garden Clubs of America. The description said that it was filled with stories, poems and activities for kids.


A rare and difficult to read A.C. E. button; A for appreciation, C for conservation, E for education

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