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Camp fire girls - Grace Harriman Award

The Grace Carley Harriman Award, also known as the Grace Harriman
Award or the Harriman Medallion was a prestigious award given to
only one* Guardian per year. Starting in 1921, Mrs Oliver (Grace)
Harriman, an Atlanta socialite and then President of the Camp Fire
Girls had been requested by the Camp Fire Girls National Board
to find a award to honor the " Guardian who sends in the best report
of work by the girls for the year."
The only known image of the award was found twice, in the Everygirl's Magazine in 1922 and then again in 1924. The size of the award is unknown, but a newspaper image of someone receiving the medallion shows that it was about 1". It is reported to be silver (except in the earliest days when it was noted as gold.)
Known Winners:
1921: Miss Medella Small, Saugus, MA
Award is listed in newspaper as being gold
1922: Mrs Mildred Crawford Kielman, Bristol, CT
1923: unknown
1924: Gertrude M. Eaton, Guardian of Wichea Camp Fire, Manila, Philippine Islands
1925: Charlotte Millet, Gorham, ME
1926: Mrs. Mary Ford, Orange, TX
1927: unknown, in December Mrs. Oliver (Grace) Harriman resigns as Camp Fire Girl President
1928: unknown
1929: Mrs. H.E. Hall, Sherman, TX
1930: Mrs. Skinner, Springfield, MO
Mrs. A.G. Black, Butte, MO received a replica of the Harriman Medallion for coming in 2nd place.
1931: Bernice Young, Los Angeles, CA
1932: Mrs. Charles H Williams, Oshkosh, WI - Oshkosh Camp Fire Girls
1933: Miss Ruth H Kirkland, Long Beach, CA
1934: Mrs. Josephine Rodgers, Dallas, TX
1935: Mrs. T H Judd, Spokane, WA (listed in 2 newspapers as winner)
Mrs. Evelyn Pence, Columbus, OH (listed in 1 newspaper as winner)
1936: Mrs Lora Turner Bostwick, Arlington, GA - Arlington Camp Fire Girls
1937: Miss Ruth Wheeler, Denver, CO
Miss Clara Gates, Spokane, WA was runner-up. Miss Gates was also noted as Mrs. Howard L Gates of Spokane, WA. Not clear which version of her name is correct.
1938: Miss Ruth Lotz, Hyde Park, PA
Mrs. Bertha Freer, vice president of the Guardians Association - this newspaper clipping notes that 8 Harriman Medallions awarded around the country.
1939: Miss Alice Lund, St. Cloud, MI
1940: Mrs. Barrett Coates, Oakland, CA of Wicawa Camp Fire Girls
1941: unknown
1942: unknown
1943: unknown
1944: Mrs. Charles C Alvord, Worcester, MA
1945: unknown
1946: unknown
1947: Mrs Barton Atkinson, Waco, TX
Mrs. Bob Wilson, Hereford, TX - noted in 1948 newspaper as "last year's winner"
No further winners are found in the newspapers, just references back to former winners.
* some newspapers seem to note there was more than one Harriman Medallion handed out per year.

Camp Fire Girls:
CFG Obscure Honors
CFG Bluebird Uniforms
CFG Bead & Disc ID
Grace Harriman Award
CFG Jubilees
CFG National Honors
CFG Old Patch ID
Torch Bearer Craftsman Honors
CFG Junior High
CFG First Aid Kits
CFG Horizon Club
CFG War Service
CFG Fun & Games
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