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Girls' Club of the Ladies Home Journal
Sponsor: Ladies Home Journal Magazine
The Girls' Club of the Ladies Home Journal wasn't a club in the sense that there were meetings and uniforms. Around the 1900s, it was a idea promoted by Ladies Home Journal to encourage "girls" to be subscription agents to earn gifts, prizes, money and scholarships. Once again (as is seen in other vintage clubs) - the term girl meant young women, who today would be considered young adults.
The "girls" were expected to network among their friends and family and sell subscriptions to earn money.
The Girls' Club tagline was "The One Idea" - that selling subscriptions was the one idea to make money. As seen below, the one idea is noted on the postcard and the magazine clipping.
The design of the membership pin was swastika. Prior to the rise of Nazism, this symbol did not have the negative view it still has today.

Girls' Club Membership Pin, swastika symbol with a small "diamond" in the center. Prior to the rise of Nazism, the symbol meant good luck and prosperity.

Although this booklet says "The Girls' Club Handybook" it is little more than a calendar and instructions on selling subscriptions.
If 8 full-year subscriptions were sold, the profit was $1.00 for the girl.

A vintage The Girls' Club Handkerchief

The Girls' Club of the Ladies Home Journal
Stationery Masthead noting The Saturday Evening Post and The Country Gentleman magazines as well.