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Future Homemakers of America & New Homemakers of America
Sponsors: U.S. Dept. of Education and American Home Economics Assc.
Also known as: FHA and NHA
HERO - Home Economic Related Occupations
FHA-HERO - Future Homemakers of America, Home Economic Related Occupations
FCCLA - Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America
Both the Future Homemakers of America and the New Homemakers of America officially began in June of 1945, working to combine and unify hundreds of home economic clubs in high schools across the US. Later this also included junior high schools. Although the Future Homemakers and the New Homemakers were separate programs based on the predominate race of the high school the students attended, they were both guided by the same agencies; The U.S. Dept. of Education and the American Home Economics Association.
Prior to 1945 there were many, many school clubs with the name of Future Homemakers or New Homemakers of America, but it wasn't until 1945 that they unified nationally.
The FHA and NHA officially merged in 1965.
The program went co-ed in 1970.

Type 1
Few rays behind house
Likely the first design - 1945

Type 2
Multiple rays behind house
Used by 1950

3 known variations of this design

Another version of New Homemakers is the FHA eight sided emblem with a banner across the front

HERO, Home Economics Related Occupations was launched in the early 1970's, encouraging FHA groups to expand their focus

The national emblem changed again in 1977, with the merge of FHA & HERO.
Type 3
2 thumbs visible, leaves at cuffs, arms extend to ring

1999 - current
In 1999 the program changed it's name to Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and continues today.

February 1950
Teen Times, the official magazine
Official FHA Jacket
FHA Thimble
FHA membership pins came in 10k gold, rolled gold plate, Sterling silver and in 1950 Bronze was added

Older and newer FHA Guard Pins

Guard Pins attached by chain to FHA membership pins; "H" Honorary Guard, "M" Chapter Mother, Gavel - President
Not shown; "A" Chapter Advisor, "P" Chapter Parent

Membership Card


Emblems are the small charms often found with membership pins
Scroll - Chapter
Torch - State
Key - Jr. High

FHA Rings
Type 2 - single band Type 2 - split band Type 2 - Collegiate Style Type 3 - Collegiate Style

Type 2
Gold Charm
Type 2
Button Style pin

Letter Opener
FHA 1966 National Convention Charm
FHA members worked on local, state and national projects
The 1962-1965 list of National Projects were;
Stay in School
You and Your Values,
Focus on Family
Marriage Calls for Preparation
Action for Citizenship

FHA 1974 National Convention Charm
In 1971, FHA launched a separate program called - HERO -
Home Economic Related Occupations

FHA and HERO merge into one program

FHA HERO is granted a trademark and drops the metal pins in favor of an enameled red & white membership pin

Future Homemakers of America officially disappears, in favor of FCCLA - Family, Careers and Commuinty Leadership of America
Continues today
December 2014
Teen Times, the official magazine