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Camp fire girls - Pin Identification

Often mistaken as the "Wo-He-Lo" award pin, that starting in 1962 was the highest award a Camp Fire Girl could earn, it is actually a
Camp Fire Girl Membership Pin, first offered in 1922.
A gold version of the same pin was used as a special gift for someone involved in CFG.

Guardian's Pin,
later called Camp Fire Leader's Pin,
it was noted that each pin was numbered and a permanent record kept.
A vintage undated catalog shares the following "The center stand for the sun, source of our terrestrial fire. There are twelve rays, one for each month of the year." Later catalogs from the 1940s state the twelve rays denote the unfailing service of the Leader to her Camp Fire Group throughout the year
Wohelo symbol
Pin's ID number
Originally this pin was the
Bluebird's Membership Pin, then it became the Blue Bird Leader Pin.
The 3 flowers represent Sing, Health and Grow - the motto of the Blue Birds.

Horizon Club Membership Pin.
This program was launched in 1941 for girls in grades 9-12.
According to the Horizon Club Handbook, the pin shows 3 mountain peaks in blue for the unlimited possibilities of what you may accomplish for yourself, and the camp fire in silver is for Camp Fire Girls, imagination, laughter and fun.

Torch Bearer's Pin
From at least 1915 until 1937
The lower left section of the pin is blank to allow the owner to engrave her symbol.
In the early days the pin came
in 2 sizes.

1947 Camp Fire Girl Leader Pin (left)
and a Camp Fire Girl Supporter Pin (middle)
and Camp Fire Girl Membership Pin (right)
1937 Torch Bearer in Social Leadership pin
The path symbol again symbolizes continued progress, reaching the highest goal on the trail. The sun, the steadiest of all sources of light, symbolizes the unfailing torch.
1937 Torch Bearer Craftsman Pin
The tendril represents growth in creative craftsmanship and the path and star symbols signify progress toward a goal on the Camp Fire trail.

When both pins were earned they were to be worn together.

World War II era plastic Bluebird Membership Pin.


Plastic Bluebird Membership Pin next to a standard metal Bluebird Membership Pin showing the size difference.
2 metal Bluebird pins showing the slight design changes throughout the years. The dark blue is thought to be older.

1957 - Torch Bearer Craftsman Pin
1962 - Group Torch Bearer Pin (for Junior Hi Camp Fire Girls)
The tendril represents growth in creative craftsmanship and the path and star symbols signify progress toward a goal on the Camp Fire trail.

1957 - Torch Bearer in Social Leadership Charm
1962 - Torch Bearer Charm
The path symbol again symbolizes continued progress, reaching the highest goal on the trail. The sun, the steadiest of all sources of light, symbolizes the unfailing torch.

When pin and charm were earned they were to be worn together, or the charm could be worn on a bracelet.

Camp Fire Girls Adult Pin
found in a 1954 catalog as well as 1965 era,
3 sizes of pin; 5/8" pin, 1 inch pin, and 2 3/16" pin

1962 Camp Fire Girls Membership Pin (left)
Camp Fire Girls Jr.High Membership Pin (middle)
The Jr. Hi. pin was likely introduced in 1962 with the official launch of the program. It had been a supplemental program since 1946.
and Camp Fire Girls Leader Pin (right)

Bronze, Silver and Gold Camp Fire Girls Camp Builder Pins. I am searching for more information on these pins, including requirements to earn.

1962 Group Torch Bearer Pin and attached Torch Bearer Charm

Adult Camp Fire Girls tenure pins:
Blue on silver = 3 years
Red on gold = 5 years
White on gold = 10 years
Blue on gold = 15 years

Gulick Award
Adult Pin
Ernest W Seton Award
Adult Pin
Wakan Award
Adult Pin

Sebago Award
Adult Pin

Charlotte Joy Farnsworth Award
Adult Pin

1962 - Wohelo Medallion Pin,
not a rank, but a special award. Could only be earned by Horizon Club members only after reaching the second half of the ninth grade.

President Pin
Adult Pin

Unknown Camp Fire Girl Pins


I've found some information that a WOHA was an honorary camper, but still searching for more information


Camp Fire Girls:
CFG Obscure Honors
CFG Bluebird Uniforms
CFG Bead & Disc ID
Grace Harriman Award
CFG Jubilees
CFG National Honors
CFG Old Patch ID
Torch Bearer Craftsman Honors
CFG Junior High
CFG First Aid Kits
CFG Horizon Club
CFG War Service
CFG Fun & Games