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Camp fire girls - National honors

Each year, starting in 1916, Camp Fire Girls had Birthday Projects (dropped in 1960), later called National Projects, National Honors or Annual Projects.
Every group was encourage to participate in the program.
At first Birthday Honors were earned ONLY during Camp Fire Girl Week. Later they stretched over the year. Then it went to September to the summer of the following year. Each Birthday Honor period had a special design for the honor, once earned, to be stenciled to the ceremonial gown or later, sewn to a vest.
First year with a verified special design was 1927. Earlier years may not have had a special design.
Later charms were offered for sale, but did not have to be earned.
By the mid 1950's these honors, pre-printed on felt, were likely available for sale, due the uniformity of felt patches and the uniformity of stencil and paint quality.
Summer Honors, for girls meeting during summer break, were discontinued in 1958.
These annual projects seemed to fade after 1968, though the birthday themes continued, there was less emphasis, except for...
"We The People" in 1976.
Finding this information is difficult, but goes a long way in helping to date these ceremonial gowns and vests. Any help in identifying the honor design, or filling in gaps would be appreciated!
1916 - Baby Kits to Children Overseas
1917 - Continued helping children in Europe or at home or the Red Cross
1918 - unknown
1919 - Assisting the "American Committee for Devastated France"
1920 - Mothers' and Fathers' Festivals
1921 - Unknown
1922 - Unknown
1923 - No clear title found but it focused on adding blind and "crippled" girls to the Camp Fire Girls program.
1924 - Recipe for Good Singing

This Summer Honor design was used in 1955, 56, 57 and 58 (the year the Summer Honor ended). It was only earned by Advisors and Guardians who arranged for 6 gatherings of their girls during the summer break.
The first project grew from a warmhearted concern for the plight of small children during the First World War. The suggestion was made in 1916 that girls might make clothing for "babies in Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Armenia, as well as in our own land." The response was overwhelming. Parcels spilled over the mailing room at National Headquarters and necessitated temporary rental of addition space to handle and classify them for shipment abroad. WO-HE-LO The Camp Fire History, 1980 edition, page 215

1925 - Helpfulness in the Home (not verified)
1926 - Interior Decoration or Beautify Your Home
1927 - Tree Planting
1928 - Give Service
1929 - Flower Birthday
1930 - Indian Lore

Camp Fire Girls "Flower Birthday" display in San Diego, CA flower show. Could the design be the Honor Design? 1929
1931- International Friendship
1932 - A Home Environment Harmonious and Enriching
1933 - Making the Most of Me
1934 - Hobbies
1935 - My Place in the World
1936 - Hospitality at Home and Abroad


1912- Silver Jubliee - 1937

This is the Silver Jubilee Honor symbol at the beginning of the jubilee year. The four empty quarters were filled in one by one during the year as the group earned them; Camping, Membership, Service and Birthday.

The bottom quarter symbols represent Camping
The left quarter - Membership
The right quarter - Service
Top quarter - Birthday

A completed Silver Jubilee Birthday Honor on suede

1938 - My Land and Me/ This Land of Ours
1939 - Americana
1940 - Skillful Living
1941 - Treasure Trails - Exploring, Creating, Sharing
1942 - Fortifying the Family
1943 & 1944 - Serving by Saving
1945 - Hi Neighbor!

1946 - At Home in the World
1947 - Going Places
1948 - Make Mine Democracy
1949 - Discovery Unlimited

1950 - Unknown
1951 - Everyone Counts
1952 - Design for Friendship
1953 - Down to Earth
1954 - Lets Be Different Together
1955 - Let Freedom Ring
This may or may not be the design for the 1950 Birthday Project - more research needed

1956 - Plants Seeds, Reap Friendship
This was the last birthday honor to follow the January through December format

1956 - 1957 - Together We Make Tomorrow
This birthday honor starts the September-Summer format, thereby crossing two calendar years.
1957- 1958 - Meet the People

1910- Golden Jubliee - 1960
Around 1948 the Camp Fire Girls changed their beginning year from 1912 to 1910 - thus allowing 1960 to be their 50th anniversary,
or Golden Jubilee.

1959 - 1961 - The World Around Her - She Cares - Do You? Golden Jubilee Girl Project, 2 1/2 years long
Golden Jubilee Honor, stenciled onto green felt
Yellow for the Golden Jubilee, seed pod design for promise of new life and continued growth.
This was an earned honor

Golden Jubilee Honor memento charm, shown on navy blue felt
Charm had no requirements for wear, unlike the felt honor shown left
1962-1963 - Today's Program to Today's Girl
1964 - 1965 - Think Big, Widen Your World
1965 -1966 - Think Big, See the World
1966-1967 - Spotlight on the Arts
1967-1968 - Star in the Creative Arts
1969 - Giving the Camp Fire Way
1970 - Take a Look, Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
1971-1972 - Take Care of Tomorrow Today
1971 - My Country, Clean & Free
1972 - For Each One, Bring One
1973 - Unknown
1974 - Unknown
1975 - Unknown
1976 - We The People

Camp Fire Girls:
CFG Obscure Honors
CFG Bluebird Uniforms
CFG Bead & Disc ID
Grace Harriman Award
CFG Jubilees
CFG National Honors
CFG Old Patch ID
Torch Bearer Craftsman Honors
CFG Junior High
CFG First Aid Kits
CFG Horizon Club
CFG War Service
CFG Fun & Games