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Boys Clubs of America
Also known as:
1906: Federated Boys' Clubs of America
Alternate name: Boys' Clubs Federation of America
1931: Boys' Clubs of America
1990: Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Creative History
1956: 50th Anniversary (1906-1956)
1960: 100th Anniversary (1860-1960)
2006: 100th Anniversary (1906-2006)
According to Wikipedia, the first boys club was established in 1860 in Hartford, CT - thus allowing the Boys Clubs of America to celebrate their first (of two) centennials in 1960. By 1906 there were several boys clubs and an effort to consolidate and unify the groups was successful - resulting in the Federated Boys' Clubs of America or Boys' Clubs Federation of America.
The Boys & Girls Club Code
I believe in God and the right to worship according to my own faith and religion.
I believe in America and the American way of life…in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I believe in fair play, honesty and sportsmanship.
I believe in my Boys & Girls Club, which stands for these things.

This charming collection of Boys' Clubs of America (and one from Canada) Swim Buttons makes a wonderful keepsake. For some boys the local Boys' Club was their only access to learning the important skill of swimming. Working their way through the levels inspired confidence in their abilities.

The Boys' Clubs of America pavilion for the 1933 World's Fair
Northerly Island, Lake Michigan

Boys' Clubs of America medal and patch

Boys' Clubs of America sport medals; left for swimming and right for canoing.
Bucky Forrester, fictional book dedicated to the Boys Clubs of America. Note the BCA symbol on the cover of the book.

Matchbook Cover
Bicycle or Auto sign for 50th Anniversary
Modern signage with vintage Sinclair ad honoring the Boys' Clubs of America


1980 - New Logo
1990: Name Changed
One of several designs of the Precious Moments Boys and Girls Clubs of America figurine