Information on dating various pin, awards and other items comes from 4-H Handy Books (all-in-one member book and catalog) and later, Supply Catalogs. Membership Pins Official 4-H Club membership pins indicated the number of years someone has been a member. They were not offered in the 1927-28 Handy Book, but were offered by 1930. There were 4 styles to choose from in three finishes; bronze, sterling silver and 10k gold filled. By the 1956-57 Catalog Design L and Design S had been dropped, but you could get Design A & B up to year 12. Currently they go up to 14th. Youth Membership Pins
There are 2 sizes of pins. A 1966 4-H catalog lists the size of the pin as 1/2" x 1/2". 2004 catalog states they are 5/8" x 5/8". Adult Membership Pins
Adult member pins are in 2 sizes. 1972 catalog lists 1/2" wide. Later catalogs don't list a size with the newer style, but this image shows the comparison. Leadership Pins The adult leadership pin was offered by the early 1930s in 3 styles and various metals.
4-H Club Rings
4-H Club "Wee Medals" offered as early as 1932 as a charm award, later as a pin. Sold for many years.
1927 - only 3 medals were offered. It was assumed that they would be engraved with the proper winning information.
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